Monday, June 7, 2010

Reflections from IDTIA Certificate Course 2009/10

Reflections of Module 6 IDTIA Certificate Course ~

The last Module of our Certificate came and went too fast. This group of wonderful ladies will be no more and I have come to understand that in life only occasionally do we enter spaces that may have huge impacts on our lives, this was one of them for me. I have been moved and awoken and I am going to miss my weekends away in the dance with my beloved group.

Pilar Nesvara, Melbourne

The Certificate course for me has been a truly amazing, enriching experience to learn as an individual, grow and express myself and experience people on a very humanistic level. With gentle guidance & encouragement this course has been a unique learning experience, very different from the University setting I came from.

The powerful ladies I have had the pleasure to not only meet but evolve with throughout the course have made this past year unforgettable.

~When we are in that space all moving, dancing & experiencing together it is as if we are one... moving together as one, but many cells.... A fire burns inside us all and when we have nothing more left to give, there is always someone there willing to support or surrender that little bit of energy you need~

I would have never imagined the rich experience I have had throughout the year & I am excited to know what the Diploma course will bring.

For me this is not the end... only just the beginning & I feel happy and confident to know that I have this strong base of women behind me to help guide me, offer feedback & work as a whole to get dance therapy out there to the majorities.

If anyone reading this is wondering, should I do the Certificate course? Like I was a year ago...wanting some kind of sign or encouragement to know if this was the course for them, then I hope what I have written is a reflection of what is on offer.

My experience has been a whirlwind of emotion, new information & an unlocking of myself in so many ways... Creatively, finding the true core of Authentic Movement & the essence of the ‘Dance’. Now with the knowledge & sheer passion we have for dance it is up to us now as dance facilitators to take this out to the public & help people grow spiritually, emotionally & physically.

Keeping the Dance Alive ~ Lyndal Elizabeth Pope, Melbourne

What Is Dance Therapy?

What Is Dance-Movement Therapy?


Dance has been fundamental to human life and culture since the time of our earliest ancestors; a form of self-expression, communication and celebration of life and community. However, by the turn of the 20th century, the potential for dance to promote healthy growth and change was also recognised. This recognition came with the development of more expressive and improvisational forms of dance popular at that time, as well as the acceptance of the integral relationship between mind and body.


Dance-movement therapy emerged as a profession in the US in the 1960s. By the 1970s it had reached Australia, and is now an established vocation, combining the creative process and the study of human movement into a holistic approach that draws upon the elements inherent in dance. Programs are designed to meet specific goals and bring about therapeutic change.

Australian practitioners

Dance-movement therapists are drawn from backgrounds in dance, education or the health sciences including, for example, teaching, physiotherapy and psychology. Practitioners are required to undergo extensive dance-movement therapy training together with supervised clinical practice. They may be employed specifically as dance-movement therapists, or integrate dance-movement therapy within the broader context of their work.

Dance-Movement therapists:

*appreciate the therapeutic value of aesthetic and artistic experience of dance

*understand the interrelationship of the physical, emotional, and cognitive dimensions of human behaviour

*use their skills in movement observation and analysis to assess individuals, develop and evaluate therapeutic programs

*recognise body movement as the basis of human interaction and communication

*are trained in counselling skills and group facilitation

*design and implement programs for diverse client groups.

The dance-movement therapy profession in Australia consists of an ever-growing number of practitioners working in clinical, educational and community settings with individuals or groups of all ages including:

*special schools, rehabilitation centres, hospitals, aged care facilities, prisons, psychiatric clinics, community health centres, private practice.

What is dance therapy?

Dance Therapy offers expressive movement experiences that engage body, mind and emotion. Drawing on the therapeutic elements inherent in dance, therapists aim at restoring balance and integration in the areas of physical function, sensory development, emotional expression and mental functioning.

Dance therapy emerged as a profession in the 1960s in USA, and gradually became internationally established, beginning in Australia in the 1970s. It is an allied health profession that combines the creative process and the study of human movement into a holistic approach that draws upon the elements inherent in dance. Programs are designed to meet specific goals and bring about therapeutic change.

Australia's practitioners come from backgrounds in dance or the health sciences that include, for example, teaching, physiotherapy or psychology. They are required to undergo extensive dance therapy training together with supervised clinical practice. They may be employed solely as dance therapists, or integrate dance therapy within the broader context of their work.

The work of Dance Therapists is applicable to children and adults in diverse settings and can be adapted to the needs of clients with a wide range of specific and non-specific disorders and disabilities.

What do Dance Therapists do?

Dance therapists use observation and movement analysis to determine a dance-movement program to address client needs.

They typically move with a client to establish rapport, and facilitate the client to move in ways that express their inner experience and/or extend their range of movement capabilities. Suggestions are made, however work proceeds at the client's own pace.

Professional training equips dance therapists with high level skills, theoretical understanding and professional practice principles, to work with people in an ethical and competent way.

How can I use Dance Therapy after I finish the Certificate or Diploma Courses?

Dance Therapy is used in clinical and community contexts. Therapists work in health, welfare and educational settings with children and adults who have emotional and psychological difficulties ; sight, hearing or physical impairment ; autism ; learning problems ; relationship difficulties ; psycho-geriatric conditions ; chronic illness ; post partum difficulties ; and, in rehabilitation, with people recovering from substance abuse, head injuries, abuse and trauma, and accident injuries. Dance therapists also work with people for personal enrichment and increased well-being and with industry and management for stress control.

Dance Therapy Writings

Warm Up / Release for Intellectually Disabled Adults # 1

21st March 2010

1. Clients sitting in a circle on chairs

Get clients attention/focus by making a circle. Create a safe/known environment.

2. Go around the circle and each client offer a movement for all to copy. Therapist makes offerings for clients to enhance their movements Notice what body parts/effort each client chooses for that day. Initiates body awareness & warm up for own body. Warm up to the group & acknowledgment as all copy movement

3. Tap on Shoulder dance. Each client gets a chance to dance in the centre of the circle to the music. When they have finished they get to choose someone else from the group by tapping them on the shoulder.

Moving into a released state, a chance for a new formation to emerge, possibly a shift from habitual movement. Connecting with another by choosing & tapping on shoulder. Therapist encourages & offers ways to enhance movements (Bigger/Smaller).

Warm Up / Theme #2

Thursday 20th May 2010

1. A very simple introductory exercise with everyone.

Sitting in circle – say name and movement all copy

Sitting in their circle. One person says their name with a movement

(Sitting down) then all repeat name and movement.

2. Put on some music.

Invite them into the space one at a time with a scarf to dance with me.

Obviously some may not want to enter the space, which is fine, but maybe we could try it with the ones that do.

3. Have three props to choose from in the space - Parasol, Ball, Scarf.

They can choose one of these to dance with...

Demonstrate possibilities of all three first. Then invite one at a time to enter the space & see what they will do. The rest are the audience.

Centering & Closure for Normal Urban Neurotics

10th February 2010

Section #1 (10 minutes)

Find your own space in the room

Close your eyes – find your bodies centre, be balanced evenly on both feet, inhale deeply through the nose & exhale through the mouth letting out a sigh (letting go of the days stresses & worries) Repeat 2 more times, filling the belly & high up into the chest…. breathe.

Now I want you to think about how you feel right at this very moment…

How have your feelings changed from when you walked into Prana house this evening till now…?

Are you tired, happy, emotional, uplifted, inspired?

Now embody this feeling of how you feel right now.

Where in your body do you feel this most? Be specific , do you feel it in the chest, R leg, L hand, L shoulder? Really feel this feeling in your body.

Now I want you to create one single movement that represents this feeling to you… it can be as abstract, simple, large or small just make it your own.

Once you have found this one single movement I want you to gradually allow it to enlarge… to grow.. now move it into the space… let it travel.

Now gradually I want you to bring this movement back… let it dissolve.

Let it distil to simply an essence of your feeling, so that it almost, but not quite becomes nothing…may be a flick of a finger, a gentle sway etc.

Find a stillness.

Now open your eyes lets make these two movements concrete.

Present your large movement/ now present a distilled version of that movement.


Hold onto that and lets make two circles in the centre of the space. One inner facing out & one outer facing in to the other group.

Section #2

(Explain First before they start)

Create two circles one inner (mover) & one outer (witness)…. Facing someone.

Inner group present your one distilled movement, repeat it three times.

Other group receives/witness…. Then centre group closes their eyes.

Taking your time…Outer group goes around the circle one by one sending the inner group a touch (with no words) to each person in the inner circle, giving thanks for their company, support & inspiration to throughout the day.

When you have made your way around the whole circle you should return in front of your partner, stand back until they slowly open their eyes.

Groups swap, then repeat.


Time to talk & share thoughts on the process.

DMT support/ Volunteering opportunities...

DTAA: Peer Mentoring Program 2010

New Dates! June 27th / Aug. 8th / Sept. 12th / Oct. 24th

Times: 10am - 1pm except Oct. 24th 10 - 4pm

Venue: Dancehouse (upstairs studio), 150 Princes Street , Carlton 3054

For members of the DMT community who would find it personally and professionally beneficial to join a program that aims to promote working together and getting to know each other as peers through a focus on creative movement explorations. The explorations are directed towards allowing for individual or collective themes and discussions that grow from thematic dialogues.

For enquiries and more information about this program for 2010 contact

Tiana Li Donni: ISMETA Somatic Movement Therapist. ph: 03 9574 9016 m: 0421 045 438

or Jennifer Ford, Grad. Dip. DMT (RMIT), Ph: 03 9772 9352 m: 0410 922 228

Volunteer opportunities & ongoing classes… with Tiana Li-Donni, Melbourne


Are you interested working with teens diagnosed with Autism/Asperger’s?

I will be facilitating a series of 10 workshops for youths 14-16yrs. I welcome anyone who is interested in assisting with these amazing boys for the experience and perhaps trying out some of your own skilled resources in one or all sessions and performances. You are welcome to attend one, some or all sessions.

VENUE: Powerhouse Neighbourhood House. 54 Power Ave , Ashwood VIC 3147.

SESSIONS Mondays 7 - 9pm

May 3rd / 17th / 31st / June 7th / 21st July 12th / 26th / Aug 9th / 23rd / Sept 6th

Rehearsals: October 11th & 26th Performances: Nov. 8th & 15th.

A total of 28 hrs.


MONDAYS, Time: 1.45 - 3.15pm, 7 Allen St. Glen Waverley VIC 3150

There will be the opportunity to join me at Glenallen School working with severely physically and mentally limited teenagers. I run a weekly 1.5hr transitional subject called ~Creative Dances~ for students who are leaving school at the end of the year and entering the next phase of their lives in day centres; this class offers them creative movement opportunities and self- expression. The teenagers are selected from the lowest responsive students and given opportunities for movement explorations offering resources for stimulating motivation by connecting to various props, dances and inviting imagination at play. This class is open for assistance from the Dance Therapy and the Expressive Arts community. An opportunity to offer your voluntary services in exchange for work experience and insightful engagement. Funded by the Duke of Edinburgh Program. Your 'Working with Children' Card is mandatory for participation in this program. Let me know if you can commit to one, some or all. Email or phone Tiana for 2010 dates and any inquiries.


Thursdays at Dancehouse

In Soul Moves we will use the mediums of creative movement, intuitive drawing and writing to shape and express ourselves physically, mentally and emotionally. The basic structure will be around a personal warm up to arrive / a series of movements designed and taught by Anna Halprin called Movement Ritual that is unique to this work / a guided personal exploration time / intuitive drawing / some partnered work / and finishing each session with a group check-out/closure. All art material included.

Individual Sessions for personal exploration of life themes using dance therapy are available by appointment.

Dates: Term 2: April 15 - May 27 7 wks $175

Time: 10.00 am - 12.00 pm.

Sundays monthly at Dancehouse

Dates: May 16th, June 13th, July 4th, Aug 15th, Sept 19th, Oct 17th, Nov 21st.

Time: 10.00 am - 12.00 pm

Cost: Casual classes $29 per session / Conc $25

Contact: Tiana Li-Donni Email:

Ph: 03 9574 9016 Mobile : 0421 045 438



Lyndal's Boardroom Balance Classes!

Lyndal Body Balance Classes

Monday 6.30pm & Wednesday 7-8pm at Victoria University

Footscray Park Campus (Building L, Level 0)

Ballarat Road, Footscray

Phone 9919 4880

*VU Student - $7.30

Staff/Concession - $9.40

Community - $10.40

Thursday 7-8pm Focus Gym Tullamarine

Focus Health & Fitness

35 Carrick Drive,


Phone 9338 6418

*Casual rate is $15 per class or a 20-session card for $18

Saturday 10–11am at Victoria University

Footscray Park Campus (Building L, Level 0)

Ballarat Road, Footscray

Phone 9919 4880

Every 2nd Sunday 9am-10am at East Keilor Leisure Centre

13th June, 27th June, 11th July etc

East Keilor YMCA

Quinn Grove, East Keilor

Phone 9336 3711

*A casual aerobics entry is $11 or buy a 10 visit aerobics pass for $99

Boardroom Balance At Work or School

Boardroom Balance is a holistic form of exercise which stimulates the mind & body to function better. Drawing from Tai Chi, Yoga & Pilates it will be a great thing to introduce into your workday. A great idea for schools that run the Mind/Body/Spirit unit, it can be integrated into the school day & provide great subject to follow up with conversation.

Boardroom Balance is light exercise for you, your staff or your students.

For more information email :

Come and Join the Dance!

Teri McNeil Invites you to SHINE!


This Friday! August 27th 2010 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

St Johns Uniting Church

567 Glenhuntly Rd



is a free-form expressive dance.
There is no level of fitness or ability that one needs to do
this dance. It is simply releasing your mind, listening to your
body, and moving accordingly.
Through DANCE we can:
- Heal body, mind and spirit
- Strengthen the bonds of community
- Commune with spirit –
to discover deeper aspects of ourselves
-Release stress
-Have FUN

Contact Teri McNeil 0431 662 755

SHINE is a weekly event!

Next weeks cost will be $15.00


The Dance of Connection
A weekend Workshop with Jo Cobbett from LA


the Dance of Connection
to the self, to the soul to the heart we all are

What continues to keep us dimming our light when it can shine so brightly?
What keeps us distant from those around us?
These same qualities rob us of our vitality, creative expression and our inner compassion.
Using dance we explore the terrain of forgiveness,
with meaningful, expressive and playful interaction we heal old scars and find the joy and clarity that opens our dance to prosperity and fulfillment.

However long you have been dancing, the Dance of Connection will assist your finding resources in this movement process to guide your path.
Using the 5 Rhythms™ and the spaciousness of Soul Motion® we weave a dance of interaction and wonder into our daily endeavours.

holding hands on beach

Join Jo Cobbett as she visits Australia on her 10th tour, bringing her unique blend of embodied movement, writing, visual play and theater games.
for over 15 years, Jo has been guiding explorational movement in Los Angeles and around the world.


Flyers are being distributed around in 5Rhythm Classes, venues & cafes keep an eye out for them so you can have all this info on your fridge!

Practical details:

Dates: Friday Night, November 5th 7:00-9:30pm
Saturday & Sunday, November 6th & 7th 10:30am-5:30pm

Venue: St John's School Hall. Murwillumbah St. Mullumbimby

Price: Friday night only: $20
Full Workshop (Fri/Sat/Sun) $250/$230 Concession
One day $150/$130 Concession

Early Bird: 10% Discount on all above prices (except Friday Dance) if paid in full by OCT 1st

Payment Options: Electronic Bank Transfer to: Liat Sokal Commonwealth Bank. BSB: 062665 Account: 10133899
Cheque/Money Order made out to: Liat Sokal. Email me for address.

If you are making an electronic payment, please send me an email advising me you have done so, so I may send you a confirmation email.

I hope this covers all the information you need... please email me with any other questions or requests. Jo is an exceptionally gifted facilitator and teacher and I look forward to dancing with you at this very special workshop.

If you are experiencing genuine financial hardship and would really like to attend, please email me. I am creating a few Partial-Exchange places for this weekend.. so please let me know WAY in advance. Also, there will be a few interstate dancers and if you feel like opening your home to a fellow dancer please let me know... this is always a beautiful way to extend your heart and the practice...

Much love, Liat
Ph. Australia: +61(0) 408 148 654


Saturday workshop in Sydney - Sat 14 August 2010
Introduction to Biodanza by Kate Clement
Saturday workshop in Canberra - Sat 21 August 2010
Introduction to Biodanza by Kate Clement
Weekend workshop in Sydney - Sat 4 & Sun 5 September 2010
Dancing the 4 Elements - Earth, Water, Fire & Air
by Catherine Borgeaud
Biodanza workshop in Brisbane - Sat 21 & Sun 22 August 2010
Body, Heart & Soul dancing in Harmony - by Catherine
Biodanza workshop in Byron Bay - Sat 18 & Sun 19 Sept 2010
Dancing the 4 Elements - Earth, Water, Fire & Air - by Catherine

All information, price and registration options are on the attached pdf brochures. All weekend workshops are on website

Contact 07 4057 8549 - 0415 794 182 -

Contemporary for Beginners

New Block Starts 31st July

Saturday 12 - 1.30 pm

@ Dancehouse- upstairs studio
Current block: 31st July to 4th September
Dates: Jan 18 - Dec 11 (Exc: June 5 - July 24)
Cost: $15/12 Dancehouse Members/Conc. for casual classes. Or $75/ $60 for 6 week block.
*Note that the package deal is open to any participant, not required by any participant.

*People with all types of dance experience, including no dance experience, are welcome to come along to these classes. please make sure you bring along warm, long layers of clothes because we often do floor work which is more fun if you can slide. bare feet or socks is all that is needed for your feet.

Soul Moves


TIME: 7.30 - 9.30pm

WHEN: Tuesdays August 3rd / 10th / 17th / 24th /31st & Sept. 7th 6 weeks

COST: $ 150

Phone Tiana on (03) 9574 9016 m: 0421 045 438

Email: tianamoves@

~ Inquiries welcome. Bookings essential.

Tiana is a Somatic Movement Therapist, and an associate teacher of the Halprin Life/Art Process taught at Tamalpa Institute in California.

She has many years experience in creative movement & dance listing her influences as Tony Norquay, Anna & Daria Halprin & G. Hoffman Soto.

Tiana is an associate member of the DTAA. Her facilitation supports a safe & vibrant environment for participants.

www.tamalpa .org


Byron Bay the first weekend in November 5th, 6th & 7th 2010
for info on the Byron Bay weekend, contact Liat Sokal

Canberra the next 13th & 14th November 2010
for my time in Canberra, contact Joani & Marie-ange

then a weekend in Melbourne thurs the 19th as an open night 21st & 22nd November in St Brigid's parish hall

finishing in Sydney 27-28 November
for information on my final weekends in Australia, contact Michelle Mahrer:

Dance of Life Yoga Studio

1st Floor, 250 George Street Fitzroy

8pm - 10pm

Dates for 2010

Friday 16th July

Friday 20th August

Friday 24th September

Beginner Ballet classes

Mondays 6.30pm at Footscray Victoria University!

Chunky Move Newsletter

29th June 2010


Mon6:30 PM - 8:00 PMHIP HOP (Beginners - Intermediate)Sid Mathur
6:30 PM - 8:00 PMBALLET (Beginners)Ben Kazlauskas
Tue6:30 PM - 8:00 PMCONTEMPORARY (Beginners)*see below
6:30 PM - 8:00 PMYOGA (Beginners-Intermediate)Staton Laws
Wed6:15 PM - 7:30 PMFUNK (Beginners - Intermediate)*see below
6:30 PM - 8:00 PMBALLET (Intermediate)Tim Harbour
Thur6:30 PM - 8:00 PMCONTEMPORARY (Beginners)*see below
6:30 PM - 8:00 PMCONTEMPORARY (Intermediate)*see below
Sat10:00 AM - 11:30 AMCONTEMPORARY (Beginners)Kristy Ayre
11:45 AM - 1:15 PMCONTEMPORARY (Intermediate)Julia Robinson

*Please note

Saturday Contemporary (Intermediate) classes will now start at 11.45am instead of 11.30am.

Contemporary (Beginners)
Adam Wheeler - July 6 & 13
Tim Harvey - July 20
Jo Lloyd - July 27

Funk (Beginners - Intermediate)
Michelle Ledwith - July 28
Kate Lister - July 7, 14 & 21

Contemporary (Beginners)

Deanne Butterworth - July 1, 8, 15 & 29
Kyle Kremerskothen - July 22

Contemporary (Intermediate)
Adam Wheeler - July 1 & 8
Tim Harvey - July 15 & 22
Kyle Kremerskothen - July 29

Single Class $16 / Movers and Shakers $13
5 Class Card* $75 / Movers and Shakers $60
11 Class Card* $160 / Movers and Shakers $130

5 Rhythms Dance

Tuesday nights

7.30pm – 9.30pm

St Brigids Parish Hall

Corner Nicholson St and Alexander Pde, Nth Fitzroy

Off street parking is available (enter off Nicholson St ) and tram no 96 stops out the front.

The cost is $15. Wear comfortable clothes to dance in. The hall is heated but lots of layers help if it is a cool evening, although you’ll heat up fast! A bottle of drinking water is also useful.

The 5Rhythms is an authentic movement practice that is exhilarating, creative and healing. It is suitable for all ages and abilities.

You can find more about the practice at or

Hope to see you on the dance floor soon!

Meredith and David
5Rhythms Dance®

0408 881 557 or 0409 992 656

Mangala Studios of Yoga & Creative Dance

73 Grattan St Carlton / 9663 5603

Beginners to Intermediate
Tuesdays 8.00pm to 9.00pm
Intermediate (Some experience preferred)
Thursdays 1.45pm to 2.45pm
Advanced (Previous experience necessary)
Tuesdays 11.45am to 12.45pm

Find a Zumba class anywhere any day of the week!

The Zumba® program fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves to create a one-of-a-kind fitness program that will blow you away. Our goal is simple: We want you to want to work out, to love working out, to get hooked. Zumba® Fanatics achieve long-term benefits while experiencing an absolute blast in one exciting hour of calorie-burning, body-energizing, awe-inspiring movements meant to engage and captivate for life!

The routines feature interval training sessions where fast and slow rhythms and resistance training are combined to tone and sculpt your body while burning fat. Add some Latin flavor and international zest into the mix and you've got a Zumba® class!

Monday 7.00 - 9.00 pm
Natural States - Embodiment Studies & Exploration 5 week series

Natural States is an ongoing workshop series focused on in-depth embodiment studies & movement exploration. The workshops follow a developmental line of inquiry continually returning to an organic, felt-sense of being-presence - our own natural state of movement function and expression. The primary vehicles for these explorations will be: Body-Mind Centering® theory and practice; contact improvisation, yoga, contemplative movement; and solo and ensemble dance work. This pathway will be supported by philosophy and practice from contemplative traditions that honour direct experience, awareness and self liberated states. Workshops may be of interest to: dancers, dance educators, dance/movement therapists; choreographers, performers; yoga practitioners & teachers; athletes, meditation practitioners and those engaged in the study of somatics. Natural States is a project of Embodied Life International.

    Series III - 9 Aug - 6 Sept 2010
    Series IV - 25 Oct - 22 Nov 2010

    Time: Series 3 & 4, 7 - 9 pm, Series 2

    Cost: $85.00 (Full) $75.00 (Conc./Dancehouse/Ausdance Members) per 5 week series. No casual classes.
    Llewellyn Wishart 0408 210 076 or Email Skype: embodied-life

    Tuesday 10.15 - 11.00 am
    Sprout: Music | Movement | Dance

    SPROUT Music | Movement | Dance is a Body-Mind Centering® approach to early years education being developed by Llewellyn Wishart and associates. It is a developmental and multisensory approach emphasizing embodied learning through: music, movement and dance. Classes are for young children of a mixed age range (birth - 5 years). Parents, extended family or friends are welcome to participate. Active collaboration between children and adults in the routines and rituals of the class is encouraged.
    Children and adults will have the opportunity to:
    -learn and share songs (contemporary, traditional and cross cultural);
    -share rhythms, movement and dance explorations with a variety of engaging stimuli, themes and stories,
    -make dances, exploring themes of interest to young children and use props - all in a play-based environment.

    Term 2 13/4 - 25/5 (6 weeks term 2 )
    Term 3 13/7 - 14/9 (10 weeks Term 3 )
    Term 4 5/10 - 14/12 (10 weeks Term 4)
    Cost: Fees $130 / $110 Conc) (10 weeks Term 3 & 4) No casual classes.
    Time: 10.15 - 11.00 am
    Contact: Llewellyn Wishart 0408 210 076 or Email Skype: embodied-life

    Tuesday 6.30 - 9.30 pm
    Alchemy - from impulse to expression

    This improvisation intensive is for dancers wishing to explore the freedom and beauty of the present moment.

    With a focus on IMPROVISATION, we develop trust in our inner world - embracing the unique qualities that make us who we are, and allowing them to activate and inspire the dance. Together, we embark on a deep excavation of the connections between inner self and outer expression - through dance, writing, drawing and sharing. In a dynamic process of affirmation and transformation, we explore and integrate our sensations, feelings, memories and imaginings through the body and breath. Alchemy engages the heart and enriches the spirit in a joyful celebration of the moving moment.

    For the last nine years Anne has been running Alchemy at Dancehouse in 8-week blocks, comprising of 8 Tuesdays with an additional evening in the eighth week for a performance showing. There are 9 sequential sessions in each Alchemy series overall - a layering of content week by week.

    Dates: Series three July 27 - Sept 14 Showing 18/9
    Next Showing: Saturday June 12, 7:30pm.

    Time: 6.30 - 9.30pm

    Cost: $310 (Full) $280 (Conc.) Full Term Bookings only; casual classes not available.
    Anne O'Keeffe: 9531 8331/0411 218 101 Website:

    Wednesday 6.30 - 8.00 pm
    Congolese Dancing "soukous style"

    Bring along a friend and you will receive one half-price class. Offer ends May 31st

    This dance class is for anyone with a love of dance or African rhythm and dance in particular. The term 'soukous' literally means to shake or dance energetically. Soukous dancing and music is explosive, fun, lively and playful, connecting the body and the spirit. It has evolved from the classic folkloric Rumba style of Congolese music. Passi Jo will incorporate the traditional Rumba with the more modern Soukous style, adding a hint of Latin American Salsa. Classes will cater for all age groups, and be taught in a structured class situation that is fun and easy to follow. The complex polyrhythms of the rumba/soukous style of dance will be broken down into a number of segments, each incorporating a specific part of the body. It is preferred that participants dance with bare feet, and wear comfortable clothing that is easy to move in.

    Date: Feb 17 - Nov 10 (Exc: 16/6, 21/7, 6/10)
    Time: 6.30 - 8.00 pm
    Cost: 8 week season - $160 Full; $140 Concession/Dancehouse Members.
    Casual - $25 Full; $20 Concession/Dancehouse Members.
    Signing up for a season of classes is preferred, but single casual classes will be accepted and accommodated.
    Contact: 0417 707 288 or email

    Wednesday 6.30 - 8.00 pm
    Bollywood for beginners.

    Dance to the fast and exciting beats of Bollywood. Give the body the leap it deserves. Classes include a variety of styles: classical Indian, western, funk, hip swing and hip hop; contemporary dancing with Bollywood style. Routines are designed to cater for all age groups and are taught in a fun and easy to follow manner. We bring joy, unity, culture, happiness and coordination all under the Bollywood Dance banner. Our motto is to have fun while learning, get the moves right and keep on smiling. Perform as part of a Bollywood troupe for official programs, festivals and events?

    Mai Nachungi Dance Company Inc is a non profit Bollywood Dance company based in southeast Melbourne. Choreographer's, Pushpa has 8 to 15 years of dance and choreography experience. Pushpa, is a talented teacher who has choreographed dance and drama shows for a variety of ages and audiences as well as being an ISKCON Temple cultural coordinator. Wear 3/4 length black pants and loose comfortable t-shirts.

    Dates: Jan 13 - Dec 15 (Exc: (16/6, 14/7, 21/7, 6/10,17/11) Plus rehearsal first Wed. of every month 8 - 9pm after class.
    Time: 6.30 - 8.00pm
    Cost: $150 - per term for 10 classes or Casual $18/15 Dancehouse Members/Conc.
    0432058729 or 0432235205 or E: website

    Thursday 10.30 - 11.30 am

    Thursday 6.30 - 8.00 pm
    Bollywood Intermediate

    Perform as part of a Bollywood troupe for official programs, festivals and events? Group of outstanding professional bollywood indian dance teachers who has also danced in various indian bollywood films are part of Mai Nachungi Dance Company.
    Join the fun and fast filled bollywood dance routines to bring body, mind and soul together. Intermediate the students must be 18 +.

    Dates: Mar 4 - Dec 16 (Exc: ( 29/4, 6/5, 13/5, 20/5, 17/6, 15/7, 22/7, 7/10, 18/11)
    Plus rehearsal first Wed of every month 8 - 9pm after class.
    Time: 6.30 - 8.00pm
    Cost: $150 - per term for 10 classes or Casual $18/15 Dancehouse Members/Conc.
    Contact: 0432058729 or 0432235205 or E: website

    Saturday 10.30 - 12.00 pm
    Open Contemporary class

    This class involves a combination of technical exercises and phrase material, designed to increase fitness, strength, flexibility and movement language. Heidi's training in Classical, Martha Graham and Release techniques has influenced her contemporary style, as is evident throughout the class, which reflect each of these styles at times, melded together with her own movement. The class is offered at an intermediate level however less experienced dancers who would like a challenge are welcome.

    Dates: Jan 23 - Dec 11 (Exc: 29/5, 19/6, 10/7, 17/7, 20/11? TBC)
    10.30 - 12.00pm
    Cost: $14/$11 Dancehouse Members/Conc.
    Heidi on 0422 195 668 or E:

    Saturday 12 - 1.30 pm
    Contemporary for Beginners

    These classes are relaxed, with a high-energy approach to movement. They provide an introduction to contemporary dance and are suitable for those new to the style and those returning to the basics. The classes are built around foundations of movement like falling, reaching, swinging and spiraling, combined together with contemporary dance phrases. Warm up routines are aimed at promoting fitness, flexibility and strength as well as providing a basis for dancing. The focus is on getting our bodies moving up, down and out through space with ease, providing a worked body and an enjoyable dance experience. Attention to alignment and body awareness is given throughout.

    This class is run in 6-week blocks for beginners to contemporary dance or on a casual basis for those with prior dance experience. However, for casual participants, it is recommended that you only attend week 5 and 6 if you have attended a prior class or two in that same 6-week block. The block will conclude in week 6 by combining the routines already learnt into a longer continuous dance, and concentrating more on dance qualities, timing and group awareness.
    Note: This class includes floor routines that require comfortable and long layers of clothes to enable rolling and sliding on the floor. 

    Please check website or contact Sophia for the start dates of each block or for any other queries.

    Dates: Jan 18 - Dec 11 (Exc: June 5 - July 17)
    Time: 12.00 - 1.30pm
    Cost: $15/12 Dancehouse Members/Conc. for casual classes. Or $75/ $60 for 6 week block.
    *Note that the package deal is open to any participant, not required by any participant.
    Sophia 0415 326 507 or


    starting in ubud and finishing at the private retreat center pondok pisang, we will offer our dances to the magic of bali for 7 days and 6 nights, your meals your accommodations and transfers will be included. just find a way to bali and join us! $900
    ananda cottages in ubud ( )and pondok pisang ( )in candidasa, bali indonesia
    jo cobbett 310 821 1144 with and questions. this is a marvelous dive into the core of your essence.


    Join dancers and choreographers from

    Australia’s leading contemporary

    dance company Chunky Move for a

    fun and funky dance class designed for

    beginners who wanna shake what their

    mama gave them.

    Tutors: Artists from Chunky Move

    Tuesdays 6.30–8pm

    $15 casual (single session)

    Footscray Community Arts Centre

    45 Moreland Street

    Footscray VIC 3011, Australia

    Phone: + 61 3 9362 8888

    Fax: + 61 3 9362 8866

