Monday, June 7, 2010

Reflections from IDTIA Certificate Course 2009/10

Reflections of Module 6 IDTIA Certificate Course ~

The last Module of our Certificate came and went too fast. This group of wonderful ladies will be no more and I have come to understand that in life only occasionally do we enter spaces that may have huge impacts on our lives, this was one of them for me. I have been moved and awoken and I am going to miss my weekends away in the dance with my beloved group.

Pilar Nesvara, Melbourne

The Certificate course for me has been a truly amazing, enriching experience to learn as an individual, grow and express myself and experience people on a very humanistic level. With gentle guidance & encouragement this course has been a unique learning experience, very different from the University setting I came from.

The powerful ladies I have had the pleasure to not only meet but evolve with throughout the course have made this past year unforgettable.

~When we are in that space all moving, dancing & experiencing together it is as if we are one... moving together as one, but many cells.... A fire burns inside us all and when we have nothing more left to give, there is always someone there willing to support or surrender that little bit of energy you need~

I would have never imagined the rich experience I have had throughout the year & I am excited to know what the Diploma course will bring.

For me this is not the end... only just the beginning & I feel happy and confident to know that I have this strong base of women behind me to help guide me, offer feedback & work as a whole to get dance therapy out there to the majorities.

If anyone reading this is wondering, should I do the Certificate course? Like I was a year ago...wanting some kind of sign or encouragement to know if this was the course for them, then I hope what I have written is a reflection of what is on offer.

My experience has been a whirlwind of emotion, new information & an unlocking of myself in so many ways... Creatively, finding the true core of Authentic Movement & the essence of the ‘Dance’. Now with the knowledge & sheer passion we have for dance it is up to us now as dance facilitators to take this out to the public & help people grow spiritually, emotionally & physically.

Keeping the Dance Alive ~ Lyndal Elizabeth Pope, Melbourne

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